The Owl

The Owl


The Spirit Owl is one of the most revered power animals. Known for its sharp vision and stellar judgment, the wise Spirit Owl is highly psychic and unafraid. It is a symbol of luck. Helping to unlock mysteries and discover new insights, Owl medicine helps to connect us to our inner wisdom and intuitive knowledge. The spirit of the Owl guides us to see beyond all illusions and false appearances, unearthing truth in situations or a person’s motives. Birds of the night are often associated with departed souls, messengers of the underworld - offering to us insight. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was associated with the Owl. It was believed that a magical inner light gave Owls their night vision. Athena had her Owl on her shoulder, revealing her unseen truths, and through the Owl's eyes, the depths of the human soul was revealed. Shamans work with Owl medicine to find answers to important questions and improve good judgment.

Traits of the Owl are: Wise, Insightful, Mysterious, Psychic, Lucky and Good judgment.

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